Richard Primus

Richard Primus, the Theodore J. St. Antoine Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, teaches the law, theory, and history of the US Constitution. In 2008, he won the first-ever Guggenheim Fellowship in Constitutional Studies for his work on the relationship between history and constitutional interpretation. Primus is now a senior editorial adviser of the Journal of American Constitutional History. The students of Michigan Law have given him the L. Hart Wright Award for outstanding teaching on four separate occasions.

His writing has appeared in many leading law reviews as well as in The New York TimesThe AtlanticPoliticoThe New Republic, and Foreign Affairs. Opinions of the justices of the US Supreme Court have cited his scholarship.

Primus works with constitutional law on the state level as well as the federal level. He has helped state governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses solve practical problems involving state-level constitutional law, both in Michigan and in other states.

He is a founding member of the Academic Freedom Alliance and a member of the Board of Advisors of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to fighting threats to free and fair self-government. He also is a faculty affiliate of the University of Michigan’s Program in Race, Law, and History.

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